Love Triangle- E4

 One of my favourite shows to watch is a show called Gogglebox- for those who are maybe unaware of the show's existence (which many of you will be if you're not from the UK), think of it as similar to YouTube reaction videos, but with TV shows instead.

A TV show that was featured on there a couple of times recently got me really pissed off. This is a show called Love Triangle on E4.

I've voiced my disdain for a show called Love Island before.... Love Island looks like The Great Gatsby compared to Love Triangle though, honestly.

Love Triangle is a trainwreck of epic proportions. If you're into watching a bunch of arrogant "alpha males" acting like they're God's gift to women and strutting around like peacocks, this might be the show for you. But for me personally? It was a complete and utter cringefest.

The guys on the show are practically walking talking STDs, and spend half the time bragging about their so-called charms. It's as if they're convinced they're irresistable, whilst those of us watching at home are left wondering how anyone could fall for their shtick. They're not charming, they're delusional. It's honestly painful to watch them preen and posture like they're hot stuff.

And the content of the show itself leads a lot to be desired- it depicts a bunch of endless sexting, tongue kissing within seconds of meeting, and excessive discussions about blowjobs and threesomes. The episode depicted on Gogglebox recently showcased this couple engaging in a tantric massage... and it got very graphic, very quickly. The female contestant was clearly trying to stimulate the male contestant's penis to make the male contestant hard and give him oral (not even an exaggeration).... it made for extremely uncomfortable viewing. I mentioned how awful the guys on the show were in my above paragraph, but some of the gals are just as bad.

The whole show and the contestants' form of communicating with each other is so uncomfortably forward, and so in-your-face. It's like they threw every risque topic into a blender and hit puree.

The most frustrating part of it all for me is that these so called reality "stars" (with no discernible skill or talent) are being looked up to by some folks as role models, especially younger Gen Z viewers (who are E4's target audience as a channel). As a Gen Z myself, it's maddening. None of the contestants on the show are role models, they're cautionary tales.

Shows like Love Triangle are why I completely avoid the dating scene, dating apps, and sexting. It takes away the importance of having a deep meaningful connection. The idea of ending up on a date with a guy or gal who takes cues from these reality clowns is genuinely terrifying. Plus there's my own sexuality (I'm ace) which makes the whole circus even more irrelevant and distasteful to me. Luckily I recently realised that I had somebody who understood me perfectly all along, and so my best friend is now my partner :) (I call him partner rather than boyfriend because boyfriend just sounds far too casual)- he's completely understanding about my sexual orientation and shares a lot of similar views to me on the superficiality of dating apps.

If Love Triangle is supposed to be entertaining for young audiences, it's missed the mark entirely. It's vulgar, it's shallow, and it's a sad commentary on where some aspects of modern dating have gone. Here's hoping for a future where we can move past this nonsense and focus on real genuine connections- until then, I'll be steering clear of this hot mess.


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