It's 2024, and you would think by now, society would have outgrown outdated and harmful ideologies. Yet, here we are, still grappling with the vitriolic presence of TERFs—Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists. If you're unfamiliar with TERFs, count yourself lucky. But for the uninitiated, let’s dive into why their views are not only transphobic but also steeped in a deep-seated misandry that’s as destructive as it is hypocritical.

First and foremost, let’s call TERFs what they are: transphobic. They deny the legitimacy of transgender identities, particularly targeting trans women with their hateful rhetoric. They claim that trans women are merely men in disguise, invading women's spaces and threatening the very fabric of womanhood. This viewpoint is not only dehumanizing but flies in the face of mountains of evidence supporting the validity of transgender experiences and identities. TERFs paint trans women as predators, a baseless accusation that perpetuates fear and discrimination.

But here’s where the twisted ideology of TERFs becomes even more insidious—they are also profoundly misandrist. Yes, TERFs hate men too, and this hatred fuels their transphobia. By viewing trans women as men, they tap into a well of misandristic fear, portraying all men as inherent dangers. In the TERF worldview, men are never to be trusted, always lurking, always predatory. This toxic perspective doesn’t just harm men; it harms everyone by perpetuating a culture of fear and division.

Imagine living in a world where half the population is viewed as a constant threat. That’s the world TERFs advocate for. It’s not just wrong; it’s a nasty, reductive way to see humanity. Their philosophy denies the complex realities of gender and identity, boiling everything down to a dangerous us-versus-them mentality. This black-and-white thinking is the antithesis of progress and empathy.

As someone who calls myself an egalitarian rather than a feminist, I’ve had to distance myself from the feminist movement because it has been hijacked by transphobes and misandrists to such an extent that I can no longer align with that label. Feminism was supposed to be about equality, but it’s morphed into something else entirely. Instead of advocating for true equality, it’s become a "woman good, man bad" mindset, filled with hypocrisy. One minute, certain women are "strong empowered women," and the next, they are "weak helpless victims." You can't have it both ways. This contradictory stance undermines the true goals of gender equality and perpetuates division rather than unity.

And if you call them a TERF, brace yourself for the mental gymnastics. They either cry "TERF is a slur"—which is ironic considering trans people have to endure actual slurs daily—or they start owning the TERF label, proudly calling themselves TERFs. Sometimes they do both. This hypocrisy is not just frustrating; it's emblematic of a deeper issue. Even away from the TERF label, some otherwise progressive feminists label themselves as proud misandrists, all while simultaneously claiming that misandry doesn't exist. They'll argue that misandry is "just a response" to misogyny—as if petty revenge is a justifiable or productive approach to gender equality.

Moreover, the misandry of TERFs undermines genuine feminist efforts. Feminism's core purpose is to seek equality and justice for all genders- not to be a man vs woman, cis vs trans war that so many have turned into. TERFs weaponize feminism to exclude and alienate, twisting a movement meant to uplift into one that tears down. Their brand of feminism is exclusionary, gatekeeping, and fundamentally at odds with the inclusive future that *true* feminists (according to the original definiton and goal of wanting everybody to be treated equally regardless of their genders) strive for. Unfortunately *true* feminists seem to be getting rarer and rare- you either get TERFs, who are often found in more conservative-leaning spaces; or you get misandrists (who deny that misandry exists), who are often found in otherwise progressive spaces. A lot of modern feminists seem to practice selective equality.

The nastiness of TERF ideology doesn’t stop at theory. It manifests in real-world consequences. Trans people face higher rates of violence, discrimination, and mental health challenges, often exacerbated by the harmful rhetoric pushed by TERFs. By spreading fear and misinformation, they contribute directly to a culture that marginalizes and endangers transgender individuals.

We need to call out TERFs for what they are: a toxic force in both the feminist and LGBTQ+ movements. Their views are a grotesque blend of transphobia and misandry that has no place in modern society. It’s high time we stopped giving them a platform and started amplifying the voices of those who advocate for true equality and understanding.

In conclusion, TERFs are a relic of a bygone era, clinging to a divisive and hateful ideology that does nothing but harm. Their transphobia is clear, but it’s their underlying misandry that fuels their venomous stance. We must reject their views outright and work towards a world where everyone, regardless of gender identity, can live freely and authentically without fear. It’s not just about standing up for trans rights; it’s about standing up for humanity.


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