
The pink taxi service in Yorkshire. UK

As someone who believes in equality for all, I recently came across the concept of "pink taxis" — a taxi service with female drivers exclusively for women and girls, aiming to provide a sense of safety. At first glance, this might seem like a good idea, especially in light of the unfortunate experiences some women have had with male drivers. But let's take a step back and think about what this really means.... Oh boy, where do I start with this one? So, there’s a new thing in town: pink taxis — taxis driven by women, for women. Why? Because, apparently, we’re all just waiting to hop into a stranger’s car and wonder, “Is this one of the good men, or the bad ones?” The idea behind this service is clear: women feel safer with female drivers because they may have had bad experiences with men. But here’s the kicker — they seem to have missed the point that fear doesn’t have a single gender. If a woman’s had a bad experience with a man, sure, she might feel more comfortable wit

The blog that never was.

 Here's something that's a major departure from my usual blogs- I'm having a case of writer's block... and not the kind where you have so many ideas and can't choose one, but rather the underwhelming 'I've got nothing to say' kind. My mind has been on strike, and it's feeling rather dull. Normally, I''d be wading through concerning social media trends I'd noticed, or about pet peeves that have come up. But lately, nothing. I guess in some ways, it's a good thing that the universe has given me nothing to bother me lately, but it's not ideal when you have a whole blog, dedicated to things that bother you. I'm just bored. So that's it really- a blog post about the fact that I have nothing to blog about. As soon as something bothers me, I'll blog about it, but for now, not much has been bothering me- can't really find meaning in the mundane.

'Nine in ten women feel unsafe in public spaces'

 This morning, I was watching This Morning, as I often do- they were going through the news headlines and this caught my eye- a study/survey that came to the conclusion nine in ten women feel unsafe in public spaces. As an advocate for equality and rational discourse, I find it necessary to dissect this assertion and expose it for what it truly is: a sensationalist load of bullshit. Fearmongering trash. Let's tear this nonsense apart. First and foremost, let's question the origins of this alarming statistic. Many of these studies often emerge from surveys with dubious methodologies, leading questions, and non-representative samples. When you dig deeper, you'll often find a pattern of biased data collection aimed at confirming pre-existing narratives rather than uncovering the truth. It's imperative to approach these studies with a healthy dose of skepticism and a critical eye. Where are these numbers coming from? Probably from some sketchy surveys with leading questions

Why Andrew Tate is NOT the solution to men's issues.

 Today, I want to address an issue that's been simmering in the background for far too long: Andrew Tate. Yes, that Andrew Tate—the self-proclaimed alpha male, kickboxing champion, and social media provocateur. Let’s peel back the layers and really dissect why his rhetoric is not just annoying but downright dangerous. First off, let’s talk about his so-called “alpha male” persona. Tate constantly pushes the narrative that being a man means dominating others, flaunting wealth, and treating women as subordinates. This view isn't just outdated—it's harmful. It reinforces the notion that men must suppress emotions and exert power to be respected. Guess what, Andrew? Real strength comes from empathy, collaboration, and understanding, not from belittling others and flexing your financial muscles. Speaking of wealth, Tate’s incessant flaunting of his riches is not only tacky but also problematic. It perpetuates a shallow view of success, where monetary gain is the only metric that

Semantics- Double Standards

 Hey everyone, Christina here with another rant that's been on my mind. Let's talk about the phrase "men are abusive" and the double standards that come with it. You know what really gets me? When someone says "men are abusive," and the guys who dare to respond with "not all men" are instantly shut down. They're told they're part of the problem. They're accused of missing the point. But here's the kicker—they're not wrong. Last time I checked, generalizing a whole gender isn't cool. But try pointing that out and suddenly it's "semantics" or "you're derailing the conversation." They'll say 'men doesn't mean every man in the world- don't need to get offended if it doesn't apply to you', which is just ridiculous. Because the thing: imagine if someone said "women are manipulative" or "women are dangerous." You bet there would be an uproar. People would right

Why Men Are Turning To The Right

 In recent years, I've observed a troubling trend within progressive circles that deeply concerns me. As someone who staunchly believes in equality for all, regardless of gender, it saddens me to see many men being drawn towards right-wing ideologies. This phenomenon isn't merely a random occurrence; rather, it stems from a variety of factors that are increasingly alienating men from the progressive left.  Some so-called progressive circles are shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to men. Yeah, you heard me right—men. I'm all for equality. That's what being egalitarian means, right? But lately, I've seen a lot of progressive rhetoric that's not just about lifting women up but tearing men down. It's like some people think the only way to elevate women is by trashing men. Newsflash: that's not progress, that's just flipping the inequality script. One of the most glaring issues is the hostility directed towards men within certain segments of th


 It's 2024, and you would think by now, society would have outgrown outdated and harmful ideologies. Yet, here we are, still grappling with the vitriolic presence of TERFs—Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists. If you're unfamiliar with TERFs, count yourself lucky. But for the uninitiated, let’s dive into why their views are not only transphobic but also steeped in a deep-seated misandry that’s as destructive as it is hypocritical. First and foremost, let’s call TERFs what they are: transphobic. They deny the legitimacy of transgender identities, particularly targeting trans women with their hateful rhetoric. They claim that trans women are merely men in disguise, invading women's spaces and threatening the very fabric of womanhood. This viewpoint is not only dehumanizing but flies in the face of mountains of evidence supporting the validity of transgender experiences and identities. TERFs paint trans women as predators, a baseless accusation that perpetuates fear and discri