
Showing posts from April, 2024

Piercings and tattoos

  As a 22-year-old woman who has never had her ears pierced, I've often found myself reflecting on the topic of body modifications, particularly piercings and tattoos. These forms of self-expression have become increasingly prevalent in today's society, yet their significance and implications are often deeply misunderstood. In a society obsessed with appearances and conformity, the rise of piercings and tattoos has become synonymous with self-expression. But let's peel back the layers of ink and metal to uncover the uncomfortable truths lurking beneath the surface. Let me be clear from the start: I respect everyone's right to make their own choices regarding their bodies. Whether someone decides to adorn themselves with piercings, tattoos, or neither, it's a deeply personal decision that deserves respect and understanding. However, I've always held a nuanced perspective on this matter, one that isn't often voiced in mainstream discussions. While I believe i

Why aren't women allowed to age?

  In the ever-expanding realm of beauty standards, there exists a particularly insidious expectation for women: the eradication of grey hair. In a world where youthfulness is often equated with beauty and vitality, the pressure on women to maintain a perpetually youthful appearance is undeniable. Nowhere is this more evident than in the expectation for women to dye their hair to conceal the natural aging process, particularly when it comes to covering up those silver strands we affectionately call "greys." For decades, women have been indoctrinated into the belief that grey strands are a symbol of aging to be feared, shunned, and swiftly covered up with layers of chemical-laden dyes. This societal pressure, perpetuated by the profit-hungry hair and beauty industries, is not just an insult to women's intelligence but a direct assault on their autonomy and self-worth. Let's dissect the toxic messaging that saturates the airwaves and magazine pages. For years, women have

The eyebrow fixation

Today, I've got a bone to pick with a trend that seems to have taken over the world of beauty and fashion: the infamous eyebrow obsession. This is something a lot of the fellow women in my life do and I have never ever understood it. Now, as many of you know, I am all for self-expression and embracing one's unique features, but seriously, what's with the madness over these tiny strips of hair above our eyes? Can someone please explain to me why some women are treating their eyebrows like they're the eighth wonder of the world? I mean, come on, it's like we've entered the era of the "Eyebrow Wars"! Many women are throwing down thousands of dollars and countless hours just to get the perfect arch. I've heard stories of people enduring the agony of microblading, threading, waxing, plucking – you name it, all in the name of achieving those elusive "perfect" brows. Can we talk about the irony of how we're preaching self-love and natural bo

Hair Appointments: A Woman's Rant

As I sit here, waiting for my hair appointment that I booked weeks ago, frustration bubbles up inside me and I've realised something of a double standard placed on us women that I'd never thought about before until now. Why is it that as women, we are expected to meticulously plan and schedule every aspect of our lives, including something as simple as a haircut, while men can waltz into a barber shop whenever they please? I mean, seriously, why is it that us gals have to book our salon appointments weeks in advance while guys can strut into a barbershop whenever they feel like it? Who else is tired of playing the scheduling game just to get a darn haircut? Let's be honest here, ladies. Booking a hair appointment is like trying to secure tickets to a Beyoncé concert. You have to plan weeks, sometimes months, in advance just to get a slot. Meanwhile, our male counterparts can stroll into any barbershop on a whim and get a trim without a second thought. Where is the fairness