
Showing posts from August, 2024

The blog that never was.

 Here's something that's a major departure from my usual blogs- I'm having a case of writer's block... and not the kind where you have so many ideas and can't choose one, but rather the underwhelming 'I've got nothing to say' kind. My mind has been on strike, and it's feeling rather dull. Normally, I''d be wading through concerning social media trends I'd noticed, or about pet peeves that have come up. But lately, nothing. I guess in some ways, it's a good thing that the universe has given me nothing to bother me lately, but it's not ideal when you have a whole blog, dedicated to things that bother you. I'm just bored. So that's it really- a blog post about the fact that I have nothing to blog about. As soon as something bothers me, I'll blog about it, but for now, not much has been bothering me- can't really find meaning in the mundane.