Why Men Are Turning To The Right

 In recent years, I've observed a troubling trend within progressive circles that deeply concerns me. As someone who staunchly believes in equality for all, regardless of gender, it saddens me to see many men being drawn towards right-wing ideologies. This phenomenon isn't merely a random occurrence; rather, it stems from a variety of factors that are increasingly alienating men from the progressive left.  Some so-called progressive circles are shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to men. Yeah, you heard me right—men.

I'm all for equality. That's what being egalitarian means, right? But lately, I've seen a lot of progressive rhetoric that's not just about lifting women up but tearing men down. It's like some people think the only way to elevate women is by trashing men. Newsflash: that's not progress, that's just flipping the inequality script.

One of the most glaring issues is the hostility directed towards men within certain segments of the progressive movement. I don't call myself a feminist because while feminism historically has undeniably been a force for positive change in addressing gender inequalities that face women, there exists a vocal subset that espouses misandry—the hatred or prejudice against men. This misandrist rhetoric often manifests in minimizing or mocking men's issues, dismissing them as insignificant compared to women's struggles. Such attitudes not only undermine the credibility of the movement but also alienate men who feel their concerns are being ignored or belittled.

I recently came across a tweet by a progressive figure, a man nonetheless (lots of men on the left have given into this misandrist view... it's one thing to be rightly against misogyny... it's another to downplay/deny/justify misandry), who I won't name, but which encapsulates this sentiment perfectly. He dismissed the concept of misandry altogether, claiming that anyone who mentions it is likely an "incel misogynist" attempting to deflect attention from legitimate women's issues. This sweeping generalization is not only intellectually lazy but also deeply divisive. By conflating legitimate concerns about misandry with misogyny, such statements paint a harmful narrative that erases the valid experiences of men who have faced discrimination based on their gender. Stop playing oppression olympics and realise that sexism goes both ways.

Progressivism, at its core, is about inclusivity and social justice for everyone. However, when individuals within the movement dismiss or deny the existence of misandry, they undermine these principles. It is not progressive to ignore or downplay the struggles faced by any gender. True progressivism requires a nuanced understanding of how gender norms and stereotypes harm both men and women. 

Moreover, the fearmongering culture that sometimes emerges within feminist discourse—portraying all men as potential threats—further causes this divide. Yes, it is very important to address issues of violence and harassment, but those issues are not gender specific, and demonizing an entire gender only serves to alienate well-meaning men who support gender equality. Such negative narratives about men push men towards spaces where their concerns are validated, even if those spaces exhibit more extreme or reactionary views. Painting every guy as a potential predator? That's just fear tactics 101. It's not making anyone safer—it's just making guys feel like they're automatically guilty until proven innocent.

Here's the kicker: when you alienate men like this, where do you think they're gonna turn? Right into the arms of those right-wing groups that promise to listen to their gripes. And yeah, those groups have some seriously messed-up ideas, but when the alternative is being told you're the problem just for being a guy, can you blame them for looking elsewhere?

It is disheartening to witness how these dynamics are driving men away from progressive values and towards right-wing ideologies that promise to restore their sense of identity and belonging. When the progressive left fails to acknowledge and address misandry within its ranks, it opens the door for those on the right to exploit these grievances for political gain.

As someone who believes in the principles of egalitarianism and inclusivity, I urge my fellow progressives to reflect on these issues seriously. Dismissing the concerns of men, or worse, labeling them as inherently oppressive, is completely the opposite of our goal of achieving a fair and just society for all. We cannot afford to alienate half of the population in the pursuit of gender equality.

The rise of right-wing ideologies among some men is partially a consequence of the failures within progressive movements to address misandry and embrace a more balanced approach to gender issues. If we are to truly advance the cause of equality, we must confront these challenges head-on and strive for a more inclusive form of progressivism—one that acknowledges and respects the dignity and struggles of every individual, regardless of gender. Progressivism isn't about tearing one gender down to prop up another. It's about leveling the playing field so everyone—regardless of gender—has a fair shot. So, to my fellow progressives, here's a tip: if you want people to buy into your cause, maybe start by not alienating half the population. Let's get real about equality. That means acknowledging that sexism, in any form, sucks. It means treating men's issues seriously instead of brushing them off as "whataboutery." And most importantly, it means building a movement that's inclusive, not divisive.

So, yeah, let's clean up our act, folks. Because if we keep pushing guys away with this misandrist nonsense, we're not just failing them—we're failing ourselves.


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